Taking Photos of Your Home for Sale: An In-depth Guide

Taking Photos of Your Home for Sale: An In-depth Guide

  • McCooey Olivieri Team
  • 05/25/23

Homes listed with professional-grade photographs sell 32% faster. This statistic is a testament to the transformative power of a well-shot photograph. To potential buyers browsing properties online, your real estate listing photos serve as the initial introduction to your house. This first impression could dictate whether they explore your listing further or move on to the next one.

Fast Facts about Real Estate Photography

To underscore the importance of quality real estate photos, let's delve into a few quick stats:
  • More than 72% of real estate professionals have noted that high-quality photography is instrumental in securing more listings.

  • 83% of home buyers emphasize that photographs play a vital role in their decision-making process when determining which homes to visit.

  • Real estate agents leveraging the services of professional photographers witness a doubling in their commission rates.

  • Over 61% of brokers believe that high-quality photography is a fundamental aspect in selling homes.

  • Homes listed with high dynamic range (HDR) photos sell 50% quicker and see an uptick of 118% in online views.

  • Lastly, homes supplemented with drone or aerial photographs enjoy a faster selling rate by 68%.

Tips for Photographing Your Home to Sell

Declutter and Depersonalize

When preparing to take pictures of your house to sell, start by decluttering and depersonalizing the space. Removing personal belongings such as family photos, clothing, and small appliances from kitchen counters gives potential buyers an opportunity to envision themselves in the house. Create a clean slate by organizing your belongings, hiding trash cans, and removing garden hoses.

Leave It to the Experts

Selling a home is a significant real estate transaction, and it's in your best interest to make your listing stand out. Employing a professional real estate photographer may seem like an unnecessary cost, but remember, great photos can lead to quicker sales. Professionals come with the right equipment, including a wide-angle lens, and the necessary skills to shoot photos that sell homes online.

Show the Bathroom in Its Best Light

Bathrooms can be tricky to photograph. A professional photographer can make even the smallest bathroom appear spacious. Clear the bathroom counter of personal items and add fresh flowers for a touch of elegance. Keep the toilet lid down, ensure the mirrors are spotless, and the towels are neatly arranged.

Take the Weather Into Consideration

When scheduling a photo shoot, consider the weather. Overcast days can offer the best lighting for both interior and exterior photos. Natural light works well, too. But remember to turn off ceiling fans and overhead light fixtures as they can cast unflattering shadows.

Focus on the Photos Instead of the Decor

While decor is essential, taking photos highlighting the room's size and layout is more critical in real estate photography. Aim to capture the entire room and its selling points instead of focusing on the decor alone.

Clean windows to show off views and emphasize natural light

A clean window can make a big difference. It lets in more natural light, making the space look brighter and more inviting. Plus, if there's a great view outside, it can be a key selling point.

Photograph the home's best features

Every home has unique features that can attract potential buyers. It could be a fireplace, a gourmet kitchen, or a spa-like bathroom. As a seller, you must identify these features and ensure they're highlighted in the listing photos. It's all about telling a compelling story about your house that resonates with potential buyers.

Shoot photos from the corner of the room

A top tip for real estate photography is to shoot photos from a corner of the room, preferably at chest height. This approach offers a wide perspective, allowing buyers to see the entire room and its layout, creating a sense of space and depth.

Professional vs. amateur photography: what's the difference?

Professional real estate photographers bring more to the table than just a good camera. They possess the right skills, understanding, and equipment to create images that can tell a thousand words about your property. Professionals understand how to use light effectively, pick the best angles, and conduct post-production editing to ensure the images look their best.
While often convenient and cost-effective, amateur photography may not capture your home in the best light. With professional photography, you're investing in expertise that understands how to create the right first impressions to attract potential buyers.

Lighting 101: When to shoot

Lighting is a crucial element in real estate photography. The best time to take exterior photos is during the "golden hours," the few hours after sunrise and before sunset. The light during these hours is soft and warm, providing a flattering glow to the property.
Interior shots can be taken anytime during the day, as long as the rooms are well-lit. Utilize as much natural light as possible, supplemented with interior light bulbs for balance.

What Colors Work Best in Real Estate Photos?

When preparing your house for a photo shoot, consider the color palette. Neutral colors like whites, grays, and beiges translate well in photographs, making the space appear larger, brighter, and more inviting. They also provide a blank canvas for potential buyers to imagine their own decor. Bright colors can be used sparingly to add interest and personality to the space.

Work with the McCooey Olivieri Team

The McCooey-Olivieri Team brings a deep understanding and vast knowledge about the New York area. This expertise has been honed through years of living in the region and being immersed in its diverse real estate market.
The team is lauded for its passionate and meticulous approach to every transaction, promising clients a streamlined and stress-free experience. With services designed to cater to both seasoned and novice home buyers and sellers, the team takes the time to educate clients about the unique facets of the real estate process pertaining to their specific transactions.
Having amassed over $200M in total sales volume, the team operates across a wide swath of areas, from Manhattan to The Hamptons. The McCooey-Olivieri Team's success is rooted in their proven ability to deliver client results, powered by their vast experience, state-of-the-art technology, and ingenious marketing tactics.
In recognition of their remarkable accomplishments, Real Trends' 2021 rankings placed The McCooey-Olivieri Team within the top 1.49% of medium-sized teams nationwide. If you want to buy or sell a home or have questions about the Garden City real estate market, contact The McCooey-Olivieri Team today.

*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock

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